Rarepair NewYear 2024

Is Your Ship a Rarepair?

For a specific Fandom Event, Kamari333 has made this Handy Dandy Rarepair Calculator to make it easy and accessible to determine if your ship is a Rarepair by the metrics set for said Event. If you're here outside of that Event, don't worry: this determination is explicitly for the Event itself, and you don't have to abide by it's ruling if you don't want to. If you want to, you're very welcome to use it at your convenience <3

How To Use
(click here to toggle instructions)

All you need for a basic ruling is:
(1) the number of Fanfics tagged for the fandom of your ship on AO3
(2) the number of Fanfics tagged for the Ship you wish to determine is a Rarepair (or not).

For Crossover Ships, please use the Fandom with the most Fanfics.

Optionally: you can determine the status more accurately if you happen to know the number of distinct, individual authors (or groups of authors) who have written for your ship. There is currently not a resource to get the number of authors for any given tag freely, so this would need to be counted by hand.

Please note: for this calculator, the number of authors cannot exceed the number of fics in either Fandom or Ship. In the event of collaborative works, you may wish to count groups of authors as their own 'author' separate from their composite authors, OR you may wish to count only authors or groups of authors that have not written non-collaborative works as their own author. There is no definitive counting method at this time, so use best judgment when applicable.

More specific to AO3:

You can also use the Wrangling Status of your Ship's Tag, which is whether or not the AO3 Tag Wranglers have made the tag for your Ship filterable. This calculator will assume your Ship's Tag is 'Canonical' (Wrangled) by default, but you can determine if this is true or not and change that at any time. You can find the Wrangling Status of you ship's tag by using the AO3 Tag Search. Search for your ship tag. If it is Canonized and Wrangled, and you have selected "Any Status" or "Canonical", it should appear in the list in Bold. Non-Canoncial (Un-Wrangled) Tags will appear un-boldened when searched for with "Any Status" or "Non-Canonical". If your Ship Tag is in bold here, it is 'Canonized' (Wrangled) and you can leave the "Is Wrangled" checkbox checked off (value: on/true).

If your Ship is a distinct AU variation (which cannot be disambiguated in the Relationships tags, but can be disambiguated in the Additional/Freeform tags with a Relationship-Disambiguating Freeform Tag), check the box labeled "Ship is an AU", and make certain the Ship Tag number is for the Relationship-Disambiguating Freeform Tag as you would put it in the Additional Tags field, rather than the true Relationship Tag as you would put in the Relationship Tags Field.

You can check the Wrangling Status and Fic Count of Freeform tags using the AO3 Tag Search as well.

Ship Rarity Calculator

Click the button to calculate.

Your Ship, "[NA]",

Reason(s): [unknown]

Your Fandom's Rarepair Index ([NA]%) is: [NA]
(So having [NA] or fewer fics with this ship is a Relevant Metric)

Your Ship's Author Rarity Index is: [NA]
(So having [NA] or fewer different Authors is a Relevant Metric)

∵ What You Know About Your Ship

- Your Fandom has [NA] confirmed Fics
- Your Ship has [NA] confirmed Tagged Fics
∵ Your Ship has [NA] confirmed Author(s) writing for it

- Your Ship's Tag is [NA]

- Your Ship's Tag's Wrangling Status is [NA]

∴ What Can Be Determined About Your Ship

- Your Fandom's Size (and Ship Tag Type) suggests a Rarity Percentile of: ~[NA]%
- Your Ship's Rarity Index ([NA]% of Fandom) is: [NA]
(So having [NA] or fewer fics with this ship is a Relevant Metric)

Your Ship's Author Rarity Index is: [NA]
(So having [NA] or fewer different Authors is a Relevant Metric)