The Lottery Overview
The Lottery will be held at the End of the Event (February 1st), after counting and confirming each participants' Tickets and which Pots they wish to put them into. This should occur within the first week of February.
A Pot (a raffle with a distinct prize) will be held for every Volunteer Prize Giver who Volunteers to Give a Prize. (You may Volunteer as a Prize Giver at any time prior to the start of the event, at which time you may identify what kind of and how many Prize(s) you offer for your Pot.)
Event Participants will earn Tickets throughout the event, and at the end they may put them towards any active Pot. They may put as many of their Tickets in any pot(s) that they like.
A randomized draw will be held at the end of the Event using the accumulated Tickets to determine the Prize Winners for each Pot.
Earning Tickets
The bare minimum for a Valid Entry is:
- The Event Participant must be registered as a Participant in the Official Event Discord.
- The Work must be submitted to the Event Discord in the indicated Submissions Channel.
- The Work must depict at least 1 (one) Rarepair as defined by the event.
- The Work must be advertised on a Registered Social Media with the relevant Social Media Tags
. Additional tags may or may not be appended at the discretion of the Event Participant.
Works which meet this bare minimum will earn 1 (one) Raffle Ticket.
Works submitted to the Event which meet the Minimum Entry Requirements automatically earn 1 (one) ticket, but Works that meet Additional Requirements may be eligible for additional Bonus Tickets. The Conditions necessary to earn Bonus Tickets vary slightly depending on the Type of Work, separated into two categories:
For Literary Submissions (Fics)
A Literary Submission is considered any single Chapter posted on AO3. This is to account for Multi-Chapter projects, so that every chapter may be submitted as their own Work.
To qualify for a Ticket Bonus
- The work must meet the bare minimum to qualify for the event
- The Event Participant must first join the Official AO3 Event Collection on AO3 using their Registered Social Media AO3 account.
- The Work must be submitted to the Official Collection on AO3.
- The Work must not be submitted under Anonymous.
- The Work must adhere to Official Event Tagging Standards.
- The Work must meet or exceed a word count of 100 words by the metric of AO3.
To Earn a Bonus Ticket:
Bonus Tickets will also be awarded to Works which:
- are exactly 100 words long (the Drabble Bonus)
- are exactly 500 words long (the Penta-Drabble Bonus)
- are the 1st Work in a Participant's AO3 to contain the Rarepair (the Pioneer Bonus)
- For Works which do not qualify for a Drabble or Penta-Drabble bonus, an additional Bonus Ticket will be awarded to a Work for every 500 words
- Additional Bonus Tickets will go to any singular event-original Work which breaks 50,000 words (the "This Isn't NaNoWriMo" Bonus)
Works recognizably inspired by or paired with a Visual Art (Image) submitted for the Official Event by another Event Participant will also get Bonus Tickets, provided the image in question is displayed and/or linked to in the Author's Notes with full credit to the Artist.

Multi-Chapter and Pre-Existing Fics Policy
If an Event Participant has a pre-existing fic which they want to append new chapters to for the Event, that is permissible. However, entries made in this way will not qualify for All Ticket Bonuses, the exceptions being the "Additional Word-Count" Bonuses acquired every 500 words.
Multi-Chapter works which are started for and during the Event (including previous years, provided a tagged ship is still eligible as a rarepair and the fic is still tagged to Event Standards) are eligible for all Bonus Tickets.
Reminder: Valid Entry is defined as any single Chapter on AO3 which is appended to a fic that meets Event Tagging Standards.
To qualify for Bonus Tickets, Participants who wish to participate in this way must keep faithful and accurate track of (additional) word counts in the Author's Notes of each (appended) chapter, with a label identifying that chapter as an Event Entry. The recommended format for this is as follows:
An Entry for Rarepair New Year 2024
Word Count: #### words
For works which do not have this important information readily available, otherwise eligible bonus tickets may be withheld until such time as it is properly displayed for the convenience of our moderation team.

For Visual Art Submissions (Images)
A Visual Art Submission is considered any single piece of visual media, be it a drawing, an animation, or some other medium that is accessible through visual means.
To qualify for a Ticket Bonus
- The complete work must be made available on a publicly accessible Registered Social Media
- The work must meet the bare minimum to qualify for the event
To Earn a Bonus Ticket:
Bonus Tickets will be awarded to a Work which is meaningfully and identifiably inspired by / derived from a Literary (Fic) submission from another Event Participant, provided that the post where it is displayed links back to the Fic in question with full credit to the Writer.
Bonus Tickets (of varying number) will be awarded to a Work for each display of the following visual media skillsets:
- Sketchwork
- Linework
- Rendering
- Color Theory

In Addition re: Bonuses...
All Works are eligible for Secret Bonuses, which may or may not be awarded at the Mods' discretion.
Works which are inspired by and transformative of another Event Work are eligible for the Inspiration Bonus.
Works which are gifted to another Event Participant are eligible for the Gift Bonus, which can be awarded when the acceptor of the Gift confirms delivery and appreciation to a Mod.